Invest in ETFs
Broaden your market exposure with collections of securities that align with a specific industry, trend, or investment style.
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Investing tools
Access powerful investing tools
Set price alerts for ETFs
Make timely investment decisions with price alerts for ETFs. Get notified when an asset falls above or below your set threshold.
Get more time to react to market events
With extended-hours trading, you get over 5 additional hours to buy and sell ETFs. Access pre-market trading from 8 AM to 9:30 AM ET and after-hours trading from 4 PM to 8 PM ET.
Automatically reinvest your dividends
If your ETFs pay dividends, you can automatically reinvest your dividends right back into the fund that paid them out.
Market insights
Make informed investment decisions
Take a closer look at any ETF
Every ETF page on eliteprosmart has helpful information about the fund and its performance, including key metrics, news, and recent activity from other investors.
Get daily live analysis on the markets
Each day, you can hear experts, analysts, and journalists discuss the day’s biggest market headlines—and what they mean for your portfolio—on eliteprosmart Live.
Upgrade your portfolio
With eliteprosmart Premium, you can unlock advanced data and analysis to help inform your ETF trading strategies even further.
Fund your account in
5 minutes or less
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