Find, evaluate, and buy bonds.

Designed this century.

Buy corporate, Treasury, and municipal bonds on the investing platform that brings fixed income into the 21st century.

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Buy bonds for the price you want Public is the only platform that offers corporate and Treasury bonds for as little as $100.

Access detailed bond analysis Evaluate performance potential and risk impact to make informed investment decisions.

Diversify your portfolio Manage fixed-income strategies within the broader context of your multi-asset portfolio.

Thousands of unique bonds. More ways to invest.

Corporate bonds Lend money to the companies you believe in with corporate bonds, which typically offer higher interest rates in return for taking on additional risk. Explore corporate bonds
Treasury bonds Support public spending with Treasury bonds, which are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government and may offer tax advantages, too. Explore Treasury bonds
Fractional bonds Only Public offers a selection of 100+ bonds available to invest for as little as $100, and in any dollar increment. Explore Fractional Bonds
Bond Account New Lock in 6.6% yield* with a diversified set of investment grade and high-yield corporate bonds. Explore Bond Account
We took everything you thought you knew about fixed income.
And fixed it.
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Bond Account

Looking to build a portfolio of bonds? With a Bond Account, you can invest in a diversified set of 10 bonds with every deposit. It’s a new way to invest in corporate bonds designed for a more streamlined experience.
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5 minutes or less

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